Schwierigkeit |
17 hm |
18 hm |
Tiefster Punkt | 750 m |
Höchster Punkt | 767 m |
2:59 h |
12,2 km |
HPB Viehhofen: Zell am See & The Zellersee

Quelle/Autor: Holiday Property Bond Walks

Foto: Holiday Property Bond Walks, Holiday Property Bond Walks
Die Tour
Zell am See is a most attractive small town, perched on the lake shore, with a wide range of visitor facilities, including lake cruises and other water-based activities. Across the lake, Thumersbach is much quieter, just a village, but with an extensive park reaching to the waterside.
The route on foot around the lake is well established and is signposted. Most of the way is on excellent tracks but a considerable section on the east side of the lake is along a roadside footpath.
Zell am See is a most attractive small town, perched on the lake shore, with a wide range of visitor facilities, including lake cruises and other water-based activities. Across the lake, Thumersbach is much quieter, just a village, but with an extensive park reaching to the waterside.
Although the route set out below is a full circuit, this walk lends itself admirably to division into two parts, the northern and southern ends of the lake respectively, using the launch service across the lake as an attractive link. As the launch can be used for either the outward or the return journey, there is obviously considerable flexibility.
From the car park walk past the filling station, heading for the town centre. Pass the bottom of Schiller Strasse, then turn left (before the prominent post office) to head for the lake on largely pedestrianised streets. Cross a road then go over the railway on a level crossing to reach the Grand Hotel. Turn right before the hotel to follow the lakeside esplanade. The boat landings are a few metres along this esplanade. Pass public conveniences, a small outdoor stage and the back of the railway station. There are attractive floral decorations along the way and the views are splendid.
1. At the foot of the lake pass a vehicular barrier and join a public road. Turn left; there is a ‘Rund um den See’ sign, a lake shore café and a youth hostel. Pass a sports area to the right. At a ‘T; junction with a more important road turn left to follow a ‘See Rundweg’ sign, through a pleasant residential area. Pass a children’s play area, public conveniences, a café and a ‘Rund um den See’ sign. Go straight ahead, with a tennis court on the left. Pass a vehicular barrier to follow a track between meadows, now some distance from the lake shore. Keep left at a fork, cross a bridge over a stream, then fork left again immediately, along the Thomas Bernhardt Weg. The abundant wild flowers include orchids. There is a caravan site to the right before the public road is reached, close to a recreation area with public conveniences and café.
2. Turn left to walk along the roadside footpath, with occasional views of the lake and the mountains. Cross a stream, pass the Hotel Kitzsteinhorn, a small belvedere with seats, picnic table and views of Zell and the mountains, the Bellevue Hotel and launch landing stage. Reach the centre of Thumersbach village, a little square with cafés, bank and a small supermarket.
3. If returning by launch to Zell am See, turn left about 150m after the village centre, taking the roadway along the edge of the park, past public conveniences, direct to a landing stage. If continuing the circuit (or walking from the launch) carry on along the roadside footpath for a further 1km (⅔ mile). As the road bends to the left, pass a large hospital.
4. A short distance past the hospital and just before a road junction and the Wieshof Hotel, turn left along a path to reach the shore of the lake. In 50m turn right to follow the excellent lake shore track. There is a large caravan site to the right, plenty of seats and fine views. Pass a café, bathing places and three bridges over feeder streams. Pass a yacht club. From the north-west corner of the lake the track continues between the railway line and the lake, heading back to Zell. At the end of the town the track merges with an adjacent cycleway. Continue, with the railway still close on the right. Pass lakeside hotels, public conveniences and the stadtpark, with children’s play area, to return to the Grand Hotel. Turn right, cross the railway line and walk through the pedestrianised area to the main through road. Turn right to return past the filling station to the car park.
Click here for further details about HPB Viehhofen; where 7 holiday units form the perfect retreat following a day's skiing or walking in an area of inspiring natural beauty.
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